The Praying Husband

When I wrote The Power of a Praying Husband, I had many
requests to have the prayers in that book made into a separate
book that could be stuffed in a pocket, slipped into a briefcase,
placed in a glove compartment, or propped up on a bedside
table or desk. The reason being that most men lead busy lives,
and even though they want to pray for their wives, they have
trouble finding the time. And when they do have the time, they
struggle with knowing what to pray for and how. If you are one
of those men, and I suspect you are or you wouldn’t be
reading this, these prayers will simplify and enhance your life.
Each one of the prayers will probably take less than one minute
of your time to pray, but when you have prayed through all the
prayers over the coming weeks, you will have covered your
wife thoroughly in prayer.
I suggest that you pick a different prayer each day and as
you are reminded, pray the prayer one or more times
throughout the day. Tell your wife you are going to be praying
for her and ask her if there is anything specific she would like
you to include in your prayers.

Click on this link to download the full book.

Published by Doncarlito

The tech guy

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